Friday, July 27, 2018


This is your country, your world, your responsibility now. Posted by Freewill at 2:13:00 AM 0 comments Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Murdered, Kidnapped, Genocided, Poisoned, and Made To Be Slaves - by Sun Tzu Dear Readers, The "Old Guard" as Qanon refers to them, is a cabal of criminals known as the "Deep State" or "Shadow Government," whom turned almost every living soul on the face of planet Earth into a lowly ward of the state, a pauper, represented by a corporation/trust, created on the date found on your birth certificate, and represented by an ALL CAPS NAME (YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS), found on your driver's license, bank accounts, credit card accounts, mortgage accounts, etc... All caps names stand for a corporation/trust in your name in PROBATE COURT, which is court for missing, dead, or missing presumed dead peoples. Whereby the criminal "old guard" created a corporation/trust in your name when your parents failed to copyright your name with the local county recorders office at the time of your birth. So the criminal "old guard" went ahead and infringed on your copyright by creating a corporation/trust in your name which is a crime long outlawed called, personage, and barratry. Now, maybe you did not know it, but when your parents gave you a name, they created that name before giving it to the government, thereby, because patent law and copyright law is governed by date of first conception, your parents owned your name outright, which they passed to you, naturally, by the laws of succession. So it does not matter that neither you nor your parents copyrighted your name. You own it implicitly, by definition, it is yours, and yours alone. So you see, the "old guard" stole your name from you, infringed upon your copyright, and by way of; fraud, the crime of personage, and the crime of barratry, the "old guard" made almost every living soul on earth a fictitious dead person, represented in Probate Court by a trust, named in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. If this does not lend credence to the holy bible and I quote, "Jesus shall come again, to judge the living and the dead," than I do not know what else could. Follow with me: The "living" in the above quote, are all the high and mighty one percenters, living under diplomatic immunity, not defined as a federal citizen(in the U.S. a federal citizen is defined as a corporation/trust residing inside the district of Columbia), and protected by the Foreign Sovereignty Immunity Act. The "dead" in the biblical quote above, refers to you, me, and every other low person who was not privy to the fraud being committed against us. So when Jesus comes to raise the dead, that could be as simple as the government recognizing that your name is not spelled with all capital letters, thereby recognizing that Probate Court has no business pretending that you are dead, missing, or missing and presumed dead peoples. FYI, in the United States, the reason why crime syndicate rats from the deep state never got in trouble for anything and always received a presidential pardon is because before President Trump got here, the presidential pardon was mainly a smokescreen for the immunity created through the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. The immunity granted through the aforementioned act allows anyone to have diplomatic immunity and the aforementioned act is whereby diplomats and envoys are granted diplomatic immunity. Do not believe me? Google "legal definition person" Scroll and click on "" person n. 1) a human being. 2) a corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages. Still do not believe me? Google, "legal definition corporation" found at: What is CORPORATION? An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances, of a single person Trust me, if you do some digging, you will find that the legal definition of "human being" has been perverted as well. Yours truly, Sun Tzu

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