Thursday, January 8, 2015

6 EVIL Companies to NEVER Buy Food From Again

We’ve all got to eat, but you have a choice when it comes to where you get your food and - specifically - which companies get a piece of your food budget.

When you get the low-down on some of the evil companies that follow, you’ll understand why we say … NEVER buy your food from them again!

6. Kellogg

The cereal giant produces some of the worst cereals for kids – those with the least nutritional value and the highest amounts of sugar. But the real kicker is how aggressively they market these cereals to impressionable youngsters.
From 2008-2011, Kellogg increased child-targeted TV ads for Froot Loops by 79%, nearly doubled banner advertising on children’s websites for its sugary, child-targeted brands, and even introduced the first child-targeted “advergame app” for phones, centered on Apple Jacks. They’re trying to hook your kids on sugar … don’t let them.

5. Sparboe Farms (Eggs)
One of the largest egg producers in the United States, Sparboe Farms was cited by the FDA for at least 13 violations of rules meant to prevent salmonella outbreaks. Undercover video taken by animal rights group Mercy for Animals also showed unsanitary conditions and serious acts of animal cruelty. The allegations were so severe that McDonald’s and Target both stopped using Sparboe Farms as a source of eggs … will you, too?

4. Nestle

As the world’s largest food company, Nestle sells 70 different brand names of bottled water, and accounts for one-third of the U.S. bottled water market. Not only has bottled water been implicated as a scam for not being much different than ordinary tap water, the amount of plastic bottles entering the environment is now obscene.
Plus, Nestle has been accused of aggressively marketing infant formula in third-world countries, leading to reductions in breastfeeding rates. And then there are the accusations of being involved in child labor and forced labor… need we go on?

3. Tyson
Tyson is the second largest chicken producer in the United States, but did you know their plants have dumped so many toxins into water supplies, not to mention released them into the air, that they plead guilty to 20 felony violations of the Clean Water Act? And the EPA filed enforcement action against them for violating the Clean Air Act?
Not to mention, for years they labeled their chicken “antibiotic-free” even though they regularly treated the birds with antimicrobials.

2. Coca-Cola
Soft drinks are far from healthy, but the real reason to boycott Coca-Cola has to do with their crimes against humanity. Evidence uncovered by investigative journalist and author Michael

Blanding has shown Coca-Cola may have been complicit with paramilitary murders of union members in South America, while draining and polluting local water sources in India and Mexico.
Why haven’t you heard about this before? Coca-Cola spends nearly $3 billion a year on advertising to keep its iconic image … ‘nuff said.

1. Monsanto
Creator of Agent Orange, PCBs, dioxin, recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) and genetically modified seeds, Monsanto has paid out billions of dollars in legal settlements for all of their disease-causing contamination and wrong doing over the years … and they are aggressively pushing their GM crops throughout the entire world – to the extent that one day soon the entire food supply may be contaminated with genetically engineered DNA, of which no one knows what the future consequences will be.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 6:51 PM 0 comments

Thursday, January 1, 2015


State Departments of Agriculture are Attempting to Regulate Seed Banks Out of Existence


State Departments of Agriculture

 are Attempting to

Regulate Seed Banks

Out of Existence

Cassius Methyl
Activist Post

Last year,
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture officials sent ‘a friendly letter’
to a seed bank/seed exchange group in Mechanicsburg,
every variety of seed with extremely impractical and pointless tests
to ensure that they are up to standards with regulations.

‘Agri-Terrorism’ was cited by officials as a reason why such regulations
should be enforced on something as natural as the right to exchange
and possess seeds.

There are laws in every state regulating the possession and exchange of seeds.
The actual enforcement of these laws is spotty, because a lot of law is actually
too complex most often to even decode, and just about any crazy thing that was once
written in law can be enforced if law enforcement wants to.
Also, who wants to enforce laws regulating and stifling such a productive,
natural right?

“There’s almost no danger,” said John Torgrimson,
the executive director of the Seed Savers Exchange.
“This is not a risk to agriculture in any state.
This is not a risk to our food supply.”

Pennsylvania is not alone in this fight.
Regulators in Nebraska are also looking at local seed banks.

David Svik, the head of Nebraska’s ‘Seed Control Office’,
says he will ‘see how to proceed’
with the many seed banks of the state
who are not complying with regulations.

To quote a farmer from Nebraska on the issue,
Betsy Goodman, on her opinion:
“Regenerating your own seed is a human right.”

In other words, the recent development here is that Nebraska state bureaucrats
being paid to enforce laws that only benefit big agriculture,
 wish to proceed with severely limiting the ability for the people to do
what they should fundamentally have a right to:
collect and exchange seeds.
They’re trying to proceed with enforcing regulations at any cost.
This is fundamentally a move to help stifle the empowerment
of these people with their agricultural practices.

Will there be a standoff?
Will anyone be arrested, fined, or feel the force of the state
over saving and trading seeds?

Hopefully we will not see the state inflict violence
on peaceful people exercising their rights.

The only real ‘Agri-Terrorists’ that exist
are corporations like Monsanto
who influence laws like this,
and bureaucrats paid to enforce
and deal with the laws that inhibit people from
taking action to be well off with their agriculture.

It seems Big Agriculture corporations support these laws
so that farmers will have to annually buy seeds
that are patented GM or hybrid,

instead of harvesting their own seeds to plant.
Inserted  -jbs: GMO SEEDS
( modified with even animal & baby fetus - how sick is that ? )

Maintaining our natural right to simply possess seeds
and freely practice agriculture
is something we absolutely need to do.

It’s an overall dangerous position for a society to be in,
where most of us don’t know how to possess seeds,
grow food, and survive without a Wal-Mart or Taco Bell.
I think in the future this will become more painfully apparent,
and people will start cultivating crops again.
But when they do,
will these Departments of Agriculture try to stifle it with laws?

We must be opposed to these laws to the fullest in order to
guarantee our simple right to be prosperous.

Please share this with as many people as possible,
as it’s fundamentally important to be aware
of developments in bureaucratic efforts
 to stifle our natural, basic rights.

Cassius Methyl writes for, where this first appeared.
Tune-in to The Anti-Media radio show
Monday-Friday @ 11pm EST, 8pm PST.


