Monday, September 25, 2017

A Message for American Bar Association Members

Monday, September 25, 2017 A Message for American Bar Association Members By Anna Von Reitz Since 1868 this country has been criminally mismanaged and misrepresented in gross breach of trust, and in violation of solemn treaties and commercial service contracts. This has resulted, among other things, in the practice of personage and barratry in American courts and on a worldwide basis. Personage is essentially a crime of identity theft. A living man or woman is deliberately presumed to be some form of incorporated entity instead and their lawful Trade Name is trespassed upon and mischaracterized to secure this end. An example would be a living man named "James Clarence Penny" being deliberately mistaken as a C-Corporation doing business as "JC PENNY", or a public transmitting utility doing business as "JAMES C. PENNY" or a public estate trust doing business as "JAMES CLARENCE PENNY" or a co-operative doing business as "JAS C. PENNY" and so on and on. Barratry is the associated crime of bringing charges against living people under the false presumption that they are in fact legal fiction entities. The American Bar Association has practiced both personage and barratry against the American people since at least 1933. The Prima Facie evidence for this stands upon the court records of every maritime and admiralty court allowed to dry-dock in this country. Those entrusted to be the guardians of The Law and the purveyors of Justice have instead acted as the ring-leaders and perpetrators of a vast systemic and syndicated multi-generational crime spree, both here and abroad. Let us observe that the only possible reason that any sane assemblage of people support the existence of courts and lawyers is to ensure that their physical safety is protected, that their property rights are respected, and that a fair means of peacefully arbitrating disputes is made readily available. By undermining the Public Law and subverting the Cause of Justice, by openly practicing personage and barratry, by creating and then plundering public trusts and other legal fictions purposefully named after living Americans, the members of the American Bar Association have also undermined their own purported reason to exist and dishonored their profession. We are in the process of re-venuing the governmental services back to the land jurisdiction states and new federal service providers have been named. We will not be renewing any contract with the American Bar Association or its members, with the result that anyone wishing to retain their Bar Membership will need to de-camp and remove themselves from our courthouses and public buildings no later than January 1, 2018. Those who wish to provide honest service to the American states and people at the County and State level are invited to study American Common Law. We recommend reading Brent Winter's book, The Excellence of the Common Law, as a starting point. Take up the necessary task of re-populating the local and state courts with competent Justices of the Peace. Those who wish to serve or continue to serve at a federal level will be serving Federal Postal District Courts and Circuit Courts. Any need for "US District Courts" will be greatly reduced. All maritime, admiralty, and 'special admiralty' courts are now required to fly the actual Title 4 Flag and may not operate under color of law via the display of National Colors. All civil courts on our soil are required to fly the U.S. Civil Flag and to operate under the provisions and presumptions of the peacetime Public Law. We recognize that there are many good and well-intentioned lawyers in this country and even a reasonable number of competent and ethical professional attorneys, but in the end -- the situation is what it is, and it speaks for itself. Six generations of Americans have been enslaved by commercial corporations operated in Breach of Trust and under color of law. This outcome would not be possible without the support and knowing consent of a great many lawyers both now and in the past. James Clinton Belcher, Head of State Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America (Unincorporated)


THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND KNEES! This issue is not political, it is not about dems and republicrats. It is not about blacks and whites. The only reason this dialog has been kept in the one issue politcal areana is because of the general public's ignorance. To frame that thought let us look at the history of subjects that the NFL has advertized. A. Dad's are not required to form a family. WHAT! the family is the foundation of any country! B. The satanic symbals in the half time show for the super bowl. The founders of this country and the general population did and do not worship the devil. C. Anti-gun ads. Evidently they choose to ignor the constition which is the law of the land in which they are living. The facts listed are only part of many other actions that would indicate the NFL's dislike for this country. The three listed above are planks taken out of the communist manafesto. WE ARE IN A BATTLE OF GOOD OVER EVIL! Not political, not racist but about the distruction of the last bastion of FREEDOM that stands in the way of the NWO! We have to wake up and realize this. No matter what you think of our POTUS #45, he did us a favor by bringing this to light....... and about the SOB's. A retired Colonel called in to voice his opinion on this subject and lamented on the fact of all the beautiful young men that he witnessed flying home in a C-130, in a coffin drapted with a flag. When he started naming some of them he broke into tears. When he recovered he said that sob is very mild compared to the term that he would use to describe these over paid babies that probably have never held a real job. I think that the NFL has just committed suicide. Absolutely it has in my household

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: The Magic Beans Phenomenon

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: The Magic Beans Phenomenon: By Anna Von Reitz When the Europeans showed up hunting for gold, the Native Americans were confused, even amused.   The Indians used ...

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Red Alert: National SIMULTANEOUS prayer to divert HURRICANE IRMA OUT INTO ATLANTIC'S BERMUDA TRIANGLE over the course of the remaining days as it tracks toward the tip of Florida. Please do your prayers at 9 AM and 9 PM Eastern. What ever your favorite method is is OK, some say kneeing is best and in silence recommended for this prayer is only for God's ears. Pray thinking only loving thoughts for our fellow man now in the path of this category 6 [presently] monster. We don't want another Harvey. Let us all humble ourselves in prayer that the track of this storm make a very sharp Right turn and head out to sea. We need as many people on board this effort as possible so please forward this message to your social media, tweet, facebook, texting, networking and contacts. Let us create the environment for a miracle to be done; a chance to show the world the power of prayer to our Heavenly Father. Pray also against the fires out west in the states of Montana, Idaho, Washington and California that they will be quelled. Lift up our nation now in turmoil. Pray for those in Texas and Louisiana that their misery be lessened. Remember: 9 AM this morning eastern time and again tomorrow night at 9 PM, and the same thing repeated for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. If you have time for only one event, pray for those in the path of Irma and Jose following in its "footsteps" that both be diverted away from the shore and out to sea. Thank you.