Monday, September 25, 2017


THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND KNEES! This issue is not political, it is not about dems and republicrats. It is not about blacks and whites. The only reason this dialog has been kept in the one issue politcal areana is because of the general public's ignorance. To frame that thought let us look at the history of subjects that the NFL has advertized. A. Dad's are not required to form a family. WHAT! the family is the foundation of any country! B. The satanic symbals in the half time show for the super bowl. The founders of this country and the general population did and do not worship the devil. C. Anti-gun ads. Evidently they choose to ignor the constition which is the law of the land in which they are living. The facts listed are only part of many other actions that would indicate the NFL's dislike for this country. The three listed above are planks taken out of the communist manafesto. WE ARE IN A BATTLE OF GOOD OVER EVIL! Not political, not racist but about the distruction of the last bastion of FREEDOM that stands in the way of the NWO! We have to wake up and realize this. No matter what you think of our POTUS #45, he did us a favor by bringing this to light....... and about the SOB's. A retired Colonel called in to voice his opinion on this subject and lamented on the fact of all the beautiful young men that he witnessed flying home in a C-130, in a coffin drapted with a flag. When he started naming some of them he broke into tears. When he recovered he said that sob is very mild compared to the term that he would use to describe these over paid babies that probably have never held a real job. I think that the NFL has just committed suicide. Absolutely it has in my household

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