Monday, March 4, 2019


The Latest From ECETI
& James Gilliland


 Socialism for Dummies & News
What is sad is high schools and universities have been infiltrated with teachers touting socialism as the cure for whatever ails society without acknowledging the historic effects.
Socialism is where you centralize all the power and wealth with a few government officials who will decide your future.
You might want to read the last line again considering todays leaders. I would also do some research on how socialism worked out in the past. Here is the method for installing socialism.
First promise the people if you give us control of your power and wealth it will be free everything, a utopian world.
Second you disarm the people because in this utopian world you won’t need guns abolishing the 2nd amendment. In history people went into socialism with glee and came out guns blazing.
The democrats love guns especially in the hands of big government used to protect them and control the masses.
Next you abolish free speech the 1st amendment.   
Without the ability to defend oneself socialist then abolish the 1st amendment with a government controlled media. This includes control of all social media as well. This is already happening with control of the main stream media and social media with shadow banning, censorship etc.
Now that you have control of the power, wealth, and media anyone who does not tow the line becomes an enemy of the state. A non-productive dispensable or disposable unit. After all now that you control the power and wealth the masses become a liability, it is cost ineffective to take care of them, they are cutting into your wealth and if they wake up your power.  
The Global Elite love socialism it gives them absolute power and if you follow the money you will see who is sponsoring those calling out for socialism. Hint, Soros is the front man for the Global Elite, follow the money and the organizations he sponsors.  It is not about sharing the wealth and power it is about centralizing it into the hands of tyranny. A controlled narrative through planned opposition is also something not to be fooled by. Some leaders are not who you think they are and many alternative venues are replete with controlled opposition.
Socialist Dictators of the past.
Joseph Stalin. “Death is the solution to all problems, no man, no problem”.
Death toll, estimated 20 million. The Great Purge was his claim to fame. Forced the farmers off their lands, business owners out of their businesses taking control throwing the country into poverty and starvation.
Adolf Hitler. “I don’t see why any man should not be as cruel as nature”.
National Socialist Workers Party. Death toll estimated 11 million. This was not only the Jews it was anyone opposing him, the educated were among the death toll.
Pol Pot “He who protests is an enemy, he who opposes is a corpse.” All though communist the similarities bring him into mind. Death toll estimated 1 to 3 million.
We can site many more leaders and countries with a history socialism or communism that collapsed into dictatorships and genocide. Read again the process of becoming a socialistic country. Google why socialism and communism eventually become dictatorships and read the history of Socialism.
History has proven Socialism and Communism collapse into dictatorships followed by genocide. Do not be fooled by democratic socialism the power and wealth again becomes centralized in the hands of a few narcistic leaders who think they know more about taking care of you then you do. Socialist countries quoted as successful like other European countries have transformed into more of a form of capitalism. They are still operating though extremely overtaxed.
A true Republic where the power resides with the people is the best form of Government. You live in a Republic not a democracy. A democracy is where social engineered mob rule is the order. The Republic has been usurped by the Global Elite and their political puppets who created USA Inc. An unlawful and illegal rule of law orchestrated by corrupt, seditious and treasonous leaders. The Republic did not fail, the leadership failed, became self-serving, corrupt and the people failed to educate themselves, hold the corrupt accountable and stand up for the Republic.
Though most are unaware, the Republic has been restored, the corrupt, seditious and treasonous leaders are being held accountable. The leaders and white hats responsible for restoring the Republic and cleaning up the mess are being branded as dictators, racist, every name in the book by the corrupt puppets of the Global Elite who own the corporate sponsored mainstream and social media.
Now do you get it? Now do you know why the ridiculous accusations with no foundation or merit are flying out the mouths of the lame stream media? Russia, Russia. Russia. No evidence all agencies and investigations clear the President. Were you not lied to over and over? The real collusion is with the very people making the false charges.
Now do you know why there is so much censorship within social media of those bringing this to your attention? They are complicit. 
Now do you know why there has been a coup to bring down a duly elected president by a deep state operating throughout the agencies under USA Inc. given orders by politicians, who’s allegiance is to the Global Elite?
Those with the most to hide are screaming the loudest. Just reverse what they are saying and apply the one finger pointing forward with three pointing back rule. “If you want the truth.” Are you ready for the truth? If it means almost everything you have been told is a lie? Can you set aside the wounds and ego with brutal honesty and apply base logic, do diligent research?
Capitalism without conscious or impeccable integrity also has failed to serve the people. The gross uneven dispersal of wealth and the manufactured lack by the global banksters has held the masses in serfdom. This will be corrected with the RV global currency reset bringing the wealth and control of their monetary systems back to the people.
Universal Law needs to be applied. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. Did you know a Republic with the Constitution and Bill of Rights if preserved and enforced is the closest thing to Universal Law? Maybe you are for this country and are against tyranny and have been duped to doing the bidding of the tyrants? The Cherokee have a saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good.”
Those selling socialism are either willingly or in ignorance trying to bring America down, take away your power and wealth, centralize it and turn it over to the Global Elite, the war and disease profiteers, the banksters, the main source of the ills of humanity. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The organizations creating division are sponsored by the Global Elite. The race card, gender card playing politicians and those who want open boarders are playing the cards of the illuminati. Yes, open boarders as well. How do you take down a country? You flood it with immigrants with in some cases extreme cultural differences, tax health care and police until they collapse. Then you apply the Hegelian Dialect, Create the problem, watch the reaction become the solution yet the solution comes with a price. A loss of freedom, power and wealth. Why do you think their motto is, “Order through Chaos.” Socialism is a poison apple.” Freebies are never free.” Critical thinking is in order along with knowledge of the past and how tyrants come to power. Utopia is not free nor is it sustainable by taking from others. The only reason for taking from others is if the gain was ill gotten through criminal activity, drugs, child trafficking, bribes etc. Not all the rich are criminals, once their resources are drained dry what happens to people completely dependent on them? Is this not a form of theft?  Where is the motivation to continue working with no reward?
Those who horde and have the ability to aid in the awakening and healing of humanity and Earth are not to be admired. They are unconscious, spiritually and morally challenged ignorant of the unified field in which we all reside if they are not contributing to those less fortunate. A man’s/woman’s actions establish their character. Words without deeds are dead. Sitting in a mansion as a representative of the poor is a paradox. Especially at the poor’s expense.   
Take some time for this to settle in. Many will find their anger has been misdirected and used against their highest and best good and against those truly working for a free and prosperous future. This is a spell breaker. Most are not ready for the big picture, the depth of decadence, crimes against creation, seen and unseen forces at work. This will come when people are ready. Most likely after it is done away with. Q uestion Everything.
Permission to pass far and wide.
James Gilliland

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