Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sun Tzu's Pain - Sun Tzu's Plan - The Jural Assemblies

My cousin, Mike G., blew his head off
with a 12 gauge shotgun because he couldn't pay back his student debts
and couldn't find a job because the Crime Syndicate, "United States
Inc," made it impossible for him to pay back his over priced shit
education because he couldn't find a job to do it, because politicians
shipped away the jobs.  He was bright, he was suffering under the
burden, and he took his life in the downstairs room that had no ceiling,
his mom & dad, my aunt and uncle, found him, his head was gone.

I knew right from a month into my
Electrical Engineering degree at the best Electrical Engineering School
on the West Coast, Santa Clara University, in the silicon valley, that
all collegiate education was a sham.  I could study for 12 hours and
pass any midterm without ever going to class, 24 hours study for a
final, i got my degree in four years without ever going to class, not
because i'm smart, but because all that busy work teachers occupy your
time with, is just that, to waste your time, so you cannot learn as
much, so I spent my time learning other things other places, i convinced
my professors that my exams should be my grade, and for the first
couple years, got them to drop the 20% homework grade.  

All of your educations were designed
to make you stupid, to make foreigners more educated than you, so that
your jobs could be shipped overseas or via H-1B visa bring in foreigners
who got a real education to replace our uneducated ripped off dumbed
down graduates, the H-1B visa foreigners stealing your jobs and doing
them at a tenth of the cost, putting you out of work, thanks to your
local crime syndicate, "United States Inc," and her criminal
conspirators called bankers, and politicians, and corporate

And right before I graduated, the,
"United States Inc,"  Crime Syndicate decided to murder a couple
thousands poor saps in NYC during the 911 remote controlled plastic
nano-thermite controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, the explosives
were planted there a month in advance, it takes a long tie to string all
that detonator coord and steel beam vaporizing nano-thermite C-4
explosives.  So right after I graduated, 20,000 electrical engineering
jobs in the Silicon Valley were shipped away to India, so my education
that was already a rip off costing over $100,000 went from worthless to
spit overnight.  That was when I came to the conclusion that only
criminals were allowed to flourish in America.

My other cousin, Sean, on the other
side of the family, was over prescribed oxycontin for a minor injury, he
got hooked, then onto heroin, he shot himself too with a 44 colt pistol
called "The Judge," blew his whole side out, but survived.  The point
of prescribing my cousin and so many Americans oxycontin was to get them
hooked on opiates before we ever even made it to Afghanistan, because
the crime syndicate, "United States Inc," knew damn well that it was
GONNA GET THEM POPPY FIELDS, talk about replay of the Golden Triangle in
Vietnam, same gig too, kill a bunch of our soldiers by supplying
weapons and strategic assistance to the enemy, so that our fallen
brothers and sisters at arms could be cut up for their autopsy, then
have their chest cavity sewn shut full of heroin, to be shipped back in
their desecrated bodies back to America to enslave and genocide the
entire nation.  How do you think them fallen heroes are looking down
upon you now?  Trump dishonors their memory by not bringing forth the
truth, Trump speaks of Gold Star families but he shits on the truth that
is dead American soldiers being converted into fucking drug mules by
the military and CIA, and DEA.

Myself, when I started top speak out,
the police first tried to kill me on HWY 26 with my wife and dog in the
car, the police shut down 4 lanes of HWY, just so they could get us
alone with no witnesses on the road, and a police officer in a fake
pullover shirt uniform but real Police Jeep detoured me around the
closure, he smiled at me as I passed, when I got back onto the freeway,
there should have been cars everywhere, but I was all alone, because of
the forced closure, doing 65 mph when a Silver Volkswagen Station Wagon
tried to push me into a slanted concrete median that was a forced left
lane merger at a construction zone.  I slammed on the brakes and he
missed.  He made another three lane swipe at me and missed again.  We
called the Washington County Sheriffs and gave them the license plate,
they said a detective would call back, we told the dispatcher that he
tried to kill us, twice, that it was politically motivated, they never
called back.

I didn't shut up, I kept spouting off,
I spent 7 years working with a retired CIA problem solver (hitman) it
was his job to pick up the cocaine from the Joint Base Louis McCord Base
in Washington State on the I5 Interstate HWY.  He taught me all about
what pirates are.  He told me the government is only run by pirates. 
They will kill every last one of you and rape your mom while you watch
if it pleases them to do so and makes them money in the process.

Then I found out they were not a
government after all.  I kept running my mouth.  I was stopped at an
intersection one evening in my neighborhood, and police officers came
and told me I was under arrest, they should have put the cuffs on me
right then and there because they forced me out the car under those
terms, I told them I would not get out of the vehicle unless I was under
arrest, so they said, 

"yeah! get out the car, your under arrest!"

Of course their body cams were all
turned off, caught no footage, "sorry they said," and of course their
police dash cams were also turned off, "sorry they said, not available,
there is no footage."  

The police falsified the entire
report.  They said that I was intoxicated when they gave me the field
sobriety test, even though they were legally forced to put hand cuffs on
me and stuff me in the squad car because they forced me to evacuate the
vehicle under the grounds i was under arrest.  I aced the field
sobriety test like an olympic gymnyst, because I'm very athletic, i am
one of the best fist fighters you will ever see, I was beaten like a rag
doll my whole child hood by bullies, I was a pitcher in college, got
professional letters from the Twins and Angels to play A Ball.  The
police said in the report that I failed the sobriety test.  I WAS
SOBER.  They faked the whole police report to say that my eyes were
watery, that i was discombobulated, that I was slurring.  They even
tried to falsify evidence back at the police station by pointing to my
beautiful skin on my arm which has perfect tan complextion from my
german heritage and i have no freckles even, and saying really loud,
"What is that?!!!"  I laughed and said, "WTF are you getting at!  Are
you trying to point to an imaginary something on the inside of my arm?  
was later that I learned they'd put heroin in my car.  The whole gittup
with pointing at my arm on camera was to pretend i had a needle mark on
my arm? 

I hate needles, the Crime Syndicate
took me when I was a child and stuck needles in me for 5 years, first
grade thru 5th grade, convinced my parents that my runny nose was a
problem from day 1 in first grade (WTF??? Every kid is a snot rocket
with a runny nose).  They stuck me with needles for 5 years trying to
find out what I was allergic to, damn school nurses insisted on it,
principal insisted on it, the Catholic grade school was in on it from
the start, and the strange the medical lab just happened to be 30 feet
across the street from my Catholic grade school.  

After 5 years of needles, and sticking
me with everything in the world a person could be allergic too, then
they took me up to Oregon Health & Sciences University, where they
convinced my parents I had a hole in the front of my cranium and was
leaking spinal fluid, in danger of meningitis and dying.  Arranged to
give me a spinal tap with radio-active fluid to see if it came out my
nose in the 20 feet of gauze they forced jammed up into my nasal
passages by loading me nasals up with a bunch of liquid cocaine to numb
the pain of shoving 20 feet of gauze up each nasal passage.  Of course
the results came back positive with radioactive fluid on the gauze, you
think they would waste a five year op and not fake the results?  

The local brain surgeons in Oregon
first scared the living daylights out of me and my parents, by
suggesting that he wanted to shave my head and skull cap me (cut my
whole front half of my skull off) to plug a small hole allegedly the
smaller than the size of push pin you'd find stuck in a dress shirt at
purchase.  It was all a con.  After a couple weeks us me screaming that I
would rather die, my parents received a magical call from another
doctor in Philadelphia who just so happened to of magically performed a
similar type of surgery before by using special micro tools, entering up
one nostril, and plugging the hole, without any external tissue damage
or damage to the skull, of course my parents leaped at the opportunity
and immediately i was forced against my will to go to Philadelphia for
"special" surgery.  

I allegedly received another spinal
tap with radio-active isotope to verify the original results, but my
parents were never shown any radioactive gauze, they were just shown a
piece of paper both times that said, "positive."  

When I awoke from the surgery, I was
vomiting blood, they'd overdosed me on anesthesia, and for the next 5
days in intensive care, the nurses refused to walk a five minute walk to
the child hospital to get me a child sized catheter, they also refused
my parents desire to fetch a child sized catheter from the neighboring
child hospital, so a female nurse a couple times a day shoved an adult
sized tube all the way up inside my little 5th grade penis, all the way
up into my bladder as I screamed so loud they said they could hear it
several floors up and several floors down and across the hospital to the
other wings, all because I was given a special drug to make it so that
my bladder would not work.  

Did you know that the most effective
form of brain wiping (erasing of memories performed by government black
ops) is done with overdosing of drugs in combination with intense

FYI, i've never sleep walked my entire
life.  But, a week later after the surgery, while staying in the hotel
neighboring the hospital, my parents awoke when, I leapt from bed at
night sleep running and screaming at the top of my lungs as I ran for
the hotel room door, totally asleep, "Josh get out, the space ship is
going to explode!!!"  My parents caught me as I was about to run down
the hallway.  

I have known for quite some time that I
was the subject of a "Secret Program" which I believe was a "Secret
Space Program" in which they extract you from you regular life, take you
away, you serve out many years under the agreement that you will be
specially compensated upon return to your original time of extraction,
except everyone who ever partakes in these programs, always gets screwed
over.  Yes folks, the Crime Syndicate has the ability to time travel,
or had before the current crime syndicate civil war.  The reason for all
the 5 years of shots to see what I was allergic too was to make sure
that I was a worthy candidate for the program.  I have never been
allergic to anything in my life, apparently, to my unfortunate
experience, I was a match for their program.

So... Later on in life, after the
falsified fraudulent arrest and after the falsified fraudulent making me
a felon (I had no priors, from a well to do middle class family) my
grandfather was a Freemason, my other grandfather was an Elk (secret
society), and "they" screwed me just the same like I was nothing, a
nobody.  Which is why I have the "We are all equal mentality that I have

That is when I started researching,
met "Freewill," and found out that our TRUE American Forefathers gave us
"Common Law" which means, "DO NO HARM," which means that if there is no
harm done to a living native victim, there cannot be a crime, which
also means that every fine, arrest, warrant, and fraudulent
incarceration by the police is actually a crime against the REAL VICTIM,
the poor sap they just enslaved, so that the Crime Syndicate, "United
States Inc," can make $200 per day, every day, while the poor sap is
enslaved rotting in a jail cell.  That and all the fines, and if that
poor person gets raped and commits suicide in jail, or gets murdered in
jail, well they collect the insurance money, and if the poor sap lives,
the crime syndicate intentionally makes its prisons porous so that they
can smuggle drugs into you, to sell you, to make even more money off you
when your really their imprisoned nigger slave (not racial in any way, I
am white Irish/German, and I am a fucking nigger to these Crime
Syndicate bastards in the "United States Inc, foreign owned foreign
domiciled Crime Syndicate owned and operated by the parent corporation
crime syndicate United Nations Inc), we are all just niggers to them,
paupers, poor people, worthless eaters, the list goes on and on.

Did you know that 90% of every one of
the many millions of incarcerated natives in our "United States Inc
Crime Syndicate Gulag Prisons is actually a victim of fraudulent
incarceration for a victim-less crime, in which there was no actual
victim injured, just a violation of one of a billion statutes and codes
created by the Crime Syndicate to destroy the life of any man or women
anytime anywhere, for profit, for lust, for greed, for power, destroy
any poor pauper any time any where.

The same goes for the military draft,
that was a means to kill any man or women anytime anywhere.  They used
it too, how do you think they precision killed 1/3 of the gold miners
during WWI and another 1/3 of the gold miners during WWII, that was all
so they could steal your money, take you off the silver standard, take
you off the gold standard, because immediately after WWII, the "United
States Inc," crime syndicate outlawed the crushing of rock that
contained gold and silver from 1941 to 1949.  So they could steal the
value back your money, which they did, they stole that shit right out of
Fort Knox, it is gone.  That is why Trump is stealing all your gold and
silver and platinum right now, he's having to buy it all back up,
because he had none, the crime syndicate has devalued your money so much
through inflation and overprinting = THEFT!!!

THAT now, Trump has to artificially
lower your gold and silver and platinum so that he can buy it back at a
lower cost, because he has to BUY SO MUCH PRECIOUS METALS TO BACK THE
WORTHLESS FUNNY MONEY, and there isn't enough actual paper money to even
make a trillionth of the 0's they created through their over loaning of
ever dollar stored at the bank so that they could loan out every dollar
a thousand times.  That is why the Crime syndicate, United States Inc,
had to make it illegal for you to carry around more than $9,999, put
your asses right in jail for it, and stole your money, said you could
not account for where it came from.  It was all a lie to cover their
tracks, these motherfuckers murder for a buck and genocide for a penny. 

And if you did not already know about
your being unlawfully converted into a corporation by your sweet sincere
crime syndicate, "United States Inc," bet you also did not know that
they buy life insurance, and securities, and bonds with you corporation,
with the taxes they steal from you, because the original constitution,
"Constitution for the United States of America," did not allow federal
income taxes, not until they unlawfully converted us into corporations
could they get away with it, and still, there is no actual mandate in
the amendments to even the fake constitution, "the Constitution of the
United States," which gives them the right to federal income tax, and
that my friends is why the IRS is in Puerto Rico.

Every War has been about killing you, my brothers and sisters.

Every drug war, has been about killing you, my brothers and sisters.

Every recession, has been about killing you, my brothers and sisters.

Every false flag political motivated
MK-ultra shooting at every school, mall, and movie theatre (safe spaces)
has been about taking your guns away from you so that they can kill you
anytime they want with no reason whatsoever.

From my CIA hitman friend, I learned
how they used the mental institutions to create monsters.  Every
pathological killer, from Bundy, to the .44 Killer, every single serial
killer was manufactured by the Central Intelligence Agency to strike
fear into the populace and make them easily moldable by the Mercenary
Police Force of the Crime Syndicate, "United States Inc," every serial
killer monster, they were all designed by the CIA's MK-Ultra program to
instill fear into the populace, to cause murders, eliminate political or
business targets, and then the serial killings, to cause the public to
willingly allow illegal search and seizure, to make the police state of
mercenary crime syndicate forces all powerful, to push your door open
anytime, to kick your door down anytime, to do anything they want to you
here in Nazi America, anytime!

So if you ever catch me on a bad day,
and I slip up, and curse, and say bad words, or if i lack positivity,
and am accidentally negative, or if I focus your attention on pictures
of horrible attrocities committed by the Interlocking Crime Syndicates
of Planet Earth, know that I really try hard not to.  I really try hard
to stay positive.

But I, Like Most Americans, have
suffered greatly.  My family has lost greatly.  The last two recessions
took everything from my parents who were overly confident in the
security of America and blindly trusted the Publicly Traded Companies
and the Criminal banksters and criminal politicians.  My parents were
sold out.  

You were sold out.  We were all sold
out, murdered for fun and money, and now, my brothers and sisters, it is
time for our revenge.  We shall not take blood unless in self defense.

But we shall arrest all the monsters. 
We shall seize all assets and monies stolen, all infrastructures on
distant moons orbiting gas giants seized, every shit-hole across the
galaxy and every other galaxy these assholes can hide, we will find
them.  Our cosmic brothers and sisters will help us.

All you have to do, is STAND UP!


SISTER INDIGENOUS NATIVES, we have an enemy here on our shores, in our
heartland, that is killing us, poisoning us, genociding us.  

ARE HERE TO PERFORM THE WRAP UP SMEER.  But because of the laws of Free
Will given to all beings by the Creator, our Star Cousins cannot
interfere until you return from the land of the dead and the
jurisdiction of the sea, unto the land of the living and the
jurisdiction of the land.

We are not dead things, we are not corporations, and we ARE MOST CERTAINLY PISSED OFF!

My name is Sun Tzu

But my mother, father, brother, and wife, call me by my given name:

Jeff Dougherty

of Portland Oregon

(I am here with open arms Criminals,
come and get me, for when you strike me down, I shall become stronger
than you will ever be, a million more of me shall rise up, and I shall
see you from the other side of the veil imprisoned forever, until your
flesh rots from your bones over a thousand years.)

I have said it before, I will say it again, free all the falsely imprisoned natives.

Cease and desist all arrests, fines, warrants, and fraudulent incarcerations for victimless crimes!

Arrest all Luciferian genocidal traitors.

The arresting parties get a signed
executed agreement for international immunity from prosecution.  The
rest of the criminals shall live forever.

The meek inherit the Earth. 

Anyone executing traitors to cover up crimes will they themselves be imprisoned, forever.

All assets stolen by pirates shall be
returned to the rightful owners, or appropriate compensation made, to
include restitution, recompense, and reconciliation for Crimes Against
Humanity and War Crimes

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