Tuesday, July 31, 2018

THE TRUTH Behind President Trump's Trade Wars on Tariffs

THE TRUTH Behind President Trump's Trade Wars on Tariffs - FUNNY MONEY - WORTHLESS NOTES PRINTED ON PAPER, BACKED BY NOTHING, DEVALUED AT THE EXPENSE OF PEOPLE THE WORLD OVER DEAR PATRIOTS, BROTHERS AND SISTERS THE WORLD OVER, We know why President Trump is leading the charge against Tariffs. To create a fair market world wide? How could it ever be fair if the Federal Reserve (privately owned) gets to print hundred dollar bills for a tenth of a penny, but peoples all the world over have to fork over a $100 worth of goods to get that worthless peace of paper? Is it fair that such a peace of paper then be devalued at a rate of 2% per year? How would President Trump fix this? Well you see, the reason why every other country has tariffs against the people of America is because that helps make up for the worthless peace of paper called a $100 U.S. Federal Reserve Note and all the goods those other countries have to bleed to get that small piece of toilet paper. Tariffs are a kickback for those in the other Foreign governments to stay silent, all whilst every child of Earth is bled for their energy, like a battery, a slave! So, by pointing out that the tariffs are unfair, Trump is really pointing out to everyone that the Federal Reserve is not fair. Why should all we free peoples be held slaves to a Crime Syndicate Cabal of Banksters? In order to fix this, President Trump must move the right to print money back to the people of each nation, eliminating all the criminal banks. In America for instance, the right to print money must be moved back to the lost but true Republic of the United States of America, which is rising now from the ashes faster than ever before. Join us as we march forward, our peaceful jurisdiction of the de jure (of one's right) Republic is rising to remove the de facto (illegitimate corporation, but in effect) in and through peaceful assembly as guaranteed by our founding American documents, provided by our founding American forefathers, the Bill of Rights, which states in the First Amendment, "That we have the right to peaceful assembly," known only, as the jural assemblies. The formation of the jural assemblies is exactly how our forefathers did it way back when. Each county, each state, assembles members whom peacefully gather to form de jure Republic body politic, they select positions for appointment, eventually selecting members of congress for a continental congress in session, which has not happened since 1862, since the southern states walked out, start the Civil War. After the Civil War, congress was still not in session, so in 1871, the Virginia Corporation, doing business as, d.b.a. U.S. INC was hired to provide 19 essential government services. They have corrupted their contract and now operate for maximum profit. A lawyer once told me, if you are going to muddy the waters, muddy them all the way, so that people will find it difficult to believe. Remember, the Truth is always stranger than a Lie. And so a bunch of traitors decided to commit treason and they knew, if ever caught, they would face firing squads and executions, so they decided to muddy the waters the entire way, so that no one would believe the scope of the truth! INTENTIONALLY making Wars, kidnapping, child trafficking, appointment of pedo's to high status government positions on all the way down to the lowest of government positions, robbing the value of our money, stealing the contents of our safety deposit boxes, protecting aiding and abetting of criminals at large, hiring of assassins to kill political witnesses/targets, funneling drugs into our countries, stealing our orphans and trafficking them out of our countries, building back doors for spying and killing into our computers, phones, communications, household appliances, cars, and 3d printed organs (blue tooth death), forcing us to hand over all of our proprietary business financial information so that a bunch of rich and powerful people could steal our businesses from us, throw us in prison for not paying taxes. Our slave masters committed genocide against all of us, by fraudulently and unlawfully converting every man woman and child into a corporation/trust, found in all capital letters on your birth certificate, all capital letters means PROBATE COURT, for dead, missing, and missing presumed dead peoples. When our parents failed to copyright our names with the local recorder's office, the government assumed that we were missing in action, even though they knew very well we'd just been born. And so goes the greatest scam in all of history. TREASON IS THE CHARGE Worldwide, the crime syndicate has done the same to every country, every man woman and child, all are victims. "And Jesus shall come again, to judge the living and the dead." The "living" are the criminals, protected by diplomatic immunity, even the ones not holding diplomatic office, still hold the immunity through the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. Please be on the next National Assembly conference call. Be advised, people are having difficulty calling in, we are under attack. Try to email a friend: www.national-assembly.net You will find the email is blocked. Try to forward the mailer daemon, it will be tagged as containing malicious phishing malware. Stand with us! Earth, rise with us! Let the Crime Syndicate Cabal Deep State New World Order hear the loudest and most pissed off sleeping giant roar! FREEDOM! FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE AMERICAN FOREFATHERS JUST AS THEY DID IT BACK BEFORE THE YEAR, 1776. ADD YOUR NAMES TO THE SCROLLS OF HISTORY AND JOIN THE ROLLS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY! WWW.NATIONAL-ASSEMBLY.NET WWG1WGA !!!!!!!!!!!!! In service to All, In service to the ONE ! Register in the forums and introduce yourself so your state coordinator can connect with you. Forums: https://forums.national-assembly.net/index.php Join our Conference Call EVERY Thursday evening: 6pm Pacific – 7pm Mountain - 8pm Central – 9pm Eastern First hour is assembly business - Second hour is general discussion Call Number: 1-712-770-4160 Participant Access Code: 226823# For anyone having trouble dialing in to the conference call: Use a backup number. 1-716-293-9720 then when prompted enter ( do NOT use 1) enter 712-770-4160# then 226823#.

Friday, July 27, 2018


This is your country, your world, your responsibility now. Posted by Freewill at 2:13:00 AM 0 comments Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Murdered, Kidnapped, Genocided, Poisoned, and Made To Be Slaves - by Sun Tzu Dear Readers, The "Old Guard" as Qanon refers to them, is a cabal of criminals known as the "Deep State" or "Shadow Government," whom turned almost every living soul on the face of planet Earth into a lowly ward of the state, a pauper, represented by a corporation/trust, created on the date found on your birth certificate, and represented by an ALL CAPS NAME (YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS), found on your driver's license, bank accounts, credit card accounts, mortgage accounts, etc... All caps names stand for a corporation/trust in your name in PROBATE COURT, which is court for missing, dead, or missing presumed dead peoples. Whereby the criminal "old guard" created a corporation/trust in your name when your parents failed to copyright your name with the local county recorders office at the time of your birth. So the criminal "old guard" went ahead and infringed on your copyright by creating a corporation/trust in your name which is a crime long outlawed called, personage, and barratry. Now, maybe you did not know it, but when your parents gave you a name, they created that name before giving it to the government, thereby, because patent law and copyright law is governed by date of first conception, your parents owned your name outright, which they passed to you, naturally, by the laws of succession. So it does not matter that neither you nor your parents copyrighted your name. You own it implicitly, by definition, it is yours, and yours alone. So you see, the "old guard" stole your name from you, infringed upon your copyright, and by way of; fraud, the crime of personage, and the crime of barratry, the "old guard" made almost every living soul on earth a fictitious dead person, represented in Probate Court by a trust, named in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. If this does not lend credence to the holy bible and I quote, "Jesus shall come again, to judge the living and the dead," than I do not know what else could. Follow with me: The "living" in the above quote, are all the high and mighty one percenters, living under diplomatic immunity, not defined as a federal citizen(in the U.S. a federal citizen is defined as a corporation/trust residing inside the district of Columbia), and protected by the Foreign Sovereignty Immunity Act. The "dead" in the biblical quote above, refers to you, me, and every other low person who was not privy to the fraud being committed against us. So when Jesus comes to raise the dead, that could be as simple as the government recognizing that your name is not spelled with all capital letters, thereby recognizing that Probate Court has no business pretending that you are dead, missing, or missing and presumed dead peoples. FYI, in the United States, the reason why crime syndicate rats from the deep state never got in trouble for anything and always received a presidential pardon is because before President Trump got here, the presidential pardon was mainly a smokescreen for the immunity created through the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act. The immunity granted through the aforementioned act allows anyone to have diplomatic immunity and the aforementioned act is whereby diplomats and envoys are granted diplomatic immunity. Do not believe me? Google "legal definition person" Scroll and click on "Law.com" person n. 1) a human being. 2) a corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages. Still do not believe me? Google, "legal definition corporation" found at: https://thelawdictionary.org/corporation/ What is CORPORATION? An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances, of a single person Trust me, if you do some digging, you will find that the legal definition of "human being" has been perverted as well. Yours truly, Sun Tzu

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Never Doubt It

Never Doubt It By Anna Von Reitz Never Doubt It This has been a very introspective day, despite the usual amount of hectic activity, phone calls, correspondences and case work. I have had cause to think deeply about my friends and compatriots on this narrow road. So many have struggled and still are. Rod Class is preparing his answer to the Federales challenge of his right to keep and bear arms. Other friends are taking the accounting and system errors straight to the source-- the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Still others are forging ahead with new means of enforcing and accessing indemnity guarantees. I am so grateful to know all these wonderful, determined people. It makes me proud to be part of the effort to restore America and the rightful American government --- to, as Donald Trump put it -- "Make America Great Again". We might also say --- "Make America American Again". We have been under the thrall of corrupt European and corporate powers for a long, long time. It feels good to know that we finally have the "weather gauge" on the vermin and that our Ship of State is no longer headed for the jagged rocks our enemies had in mind for us. We can thank many, many, many good men and women for that, people here in the states and people in far away and unexpected places like South Africa and Estonia and Paraguay, too. People of goodwill, people who are honest, have risen up and taken action, each in their own way and their own place --- and the difference is now being felt. Just looking at all the file folders and books and thumb drives in The Living Law Firm office makes my mind reel, and also makes me think about how far we have come in such a short time, and all that has been accomplished with nothing but volunteers and cookie jar money....it's amazing. There's a whole conga line of Americans at every point of this effort, all pulling together to make it possible. If it weren't for all of you out there sending your donations via PayPal to avannavon@gmail.com, I couldn't keep the lights on for our senior helpers, couldn't pay the travel expenses so many of our excellent researchers have to otherwise bear on their own. And if it were not for those sending checks and money orders to Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652--- I wouldn't have it to give when one of our guys in the field blows a tire, needs an emergency tooth extraction, or just some grocery money. It's such a small portion of what we all owe these volunteers, but it is also so important that this kind of support is there for them. It gives them the comfort of knowing that they are not all alone. It gives them the courage to go on. Most of our Living Law Firm members are seniors like myself -- some as old as 95 and still kicking, thank you! -- and for the most part, we do okay for ourselves and manage our own bills, plus some. But some of our most dynamic heroes are relatively young men and women who have families to support and house payments to make. It's for them and their sake that I get out and stump for donations. It's not fair that any of us have to spend our time on Earth like this, struggling with things that we should never have to correct if certain people had just done their jobs and honored their contracts --- but it is doubly unfair to younger people who just walked into this Mess and who have so many other earthly responsibilities to bear. Please help me help them, because they are surely doing their best to help everyone else. The "Help Line" doesn't even stop for death. Every single day, I find clues and testimony left by Americans long dead, who cared enough to document the Truth and leave it for us to find. And then I remember men and women that I have known myself who have suffered and died for the sake of this day, when I can definitely draw a deep breath and see and feel that yes, we have rounded the corner, the tide has turned....yes, at last, things are getting better, not worse! I hope and trust that "rb" and Howard Freeman and The Informer and Bill Benson and LaVoy Finicum and Russell Means and all the old Montana Freemen are still here, still with us, in spirit if not in flesh, and that they and all the others who have gone beyond the Beyond in defense of this country and in defense of our freedom know that we are all doing our bit and standing our guard duty. The indemnity bonds are finally being honored by courts around the country, not universally, but in a growing number of reported cases. It's too soon yet to know if this lack of universal acceptance is because of uninformed judges, or if specific details in individual cases are causing some indemnity claims to be denied. We had one case reported where the sticking point was that the "presumed" Defendant had to check a box on a form saying that there had been a mistake before the case could be dismissed. When you say that there has been a mistake -- just that -- it is instant grounds for severance of any contract. When you admit a mistake -- like you applying for Social Security or claiming to be a "US citizen" or a "Withholding Agent"-- you not only sever the contract, you release at least some portion of the liability, and you are essentially holding the court harmless, too. So if they ask you to admit making mistakes, by all means do so --- because it is true regardless of why you made these mistakes --- and because that then allows the court to act in your favor and provide remedy that you are owed. Army Regulations Field Manual 27-20 explicitly references the indemnity from loss or damage that you are owed and the Hold Harmless Indemnification that is owed to the court as a Third Party. Another big development ---a way to make "credit deposits" to cover all the expenses of the franchise PERSONS --- which is really another way of accessing the indemnity protection you are owed, is also underway and being tested. If we've got this right, folks, you will be able to issue credit to yourself just like a bank can issue credit, to pay certain kinds of bills --- utilities, mortgages, taxes, college loans, car loans---all the bills that come to the PERSON can be offset using credit deposits. That system is finally beginning to be lined out, understood, and in some cases, that too, is working. This is all good news. I am breathing a sigh like a long distance runner at the end of the course. The Bad Guys are on the run, at least some people are beginning to get relief, and more is on the horizon. All the effort is beginning to pay off, but until it is all settled and set in cement, remember that we are still out here plugging away on all fronts and still don't have any big funding sources. We depend on all of you as our lifeline to support the cost of doing this work and to support the younger members of our team who are often in need of just a little extra help from "Grandma". As always, we don't ask for anything you don't have to give. We know that many of you are struggling yourselves, and God bless us all, we understand that. We are looking forward to the day when everyone in America, and indeed, everyone worldwide, gets to feel the fresh air of freedom again, and gets relief from the "Doctrine of Scarcity" and all the senseless misery it has caused. Never doubt that the Hand of God has been upon this work and upon me and my husband and The Living Law Firm. If it were not so, we would never have been able to find what we needed to find, or been enabled to survive. Posted by Freewill at 12:17:00 AM 0 comments