Tuesday, October 24, 2017


This twenty one minute video might explain some of those wrongs and what we can do about them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZTMKfTP6P0

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Showtime

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Showtime: By Anna Von Reitz Somewhere between all the other work I have to do and sending boo-boo presents to my Great-Granddaughter who has sprai...

Friday, October 20, 2017


The title of this free movie is "AN OPEN SECRET". It is rated PG 13 an is meant to be an information source. Enjoy! https://vimeo.com/138965813 I can not get this link to work but you can copy and paste it to your browser.

Friday, October 6, 2017


FOREWARNING OF LAS VEGAS MASSACRE The following provided to us by an anonymous reader with request to publish: LAS VEGAS FALSE FLAG - FOREWARNING OF LAS VEGAS MASSACRE 3 WEEKS BEFORE THE EVENT!!!! Listen to the idiot radio and TV talking heads about the Las Vegas massacre, among all the other headlines these days, and is it really any wonder how bad off this nation has become? How stupid and brain dead these people are and those who listen to them and believe them? They exhibit no ability for logic and reasoning - NONE - believing they are authorities when they can't even make 1 plus 1 = 2. Americans have lost entirely the ability to think and reason for themselves, having no ability to use LOGIC to sort through themselves the story lines they are being fed, preferring to be spoon fed even when it is lies and simply don't add up logically. The following article was tweeted by Michael Salla, which gives an amazing forewarning of the false flag terror event in Las Vegas. A whistle-blower named 'John' says the Las Vegas shootings is known in intelligence circles as being part of 'THE HIGH INCIDENT PROJECT'. Read below to see the 5 different posts he made, warning about a terror event/false flag in Las Vegas a few weeks before the event took place. He also gives names of people and companies in high political positions who will benefit from this false flag event. Names Mentioned Who May or May Not Be Involved In The Las Vegas Massacre OSI Systems - https://www.osi-systems.com/ Sheldon Adelson - Wikipedia About Sheldon_Adelson and Report Says Trump Meets Adelson After Las Vegas Shooting Michael Chertoff - Wikipedia About Michael Chertoff and Report About How Chertoff Makes Money Off Of Fear "Full Body Scanners" PAVING THE WAY FOR COMPLETE LOCK DOWN ON OUR PRIVACY READ AND SHARE WITH OTHERS! http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2017/10/lasvegasfalseflag-forewarning-of-las.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ascensionwithearth%2FkRNq+%28Ascension+with+Mother+Earth+ Posted by Olive Oyl at 11:24:00 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Evil in High Places

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch: Evil in High Places: By Anna Von Reitz It began circa 1700 when the Dutch East India Trading Company operated by the Kings of Belgium and the Netherlands dec...