Friday, August 18, 2017

Full Court Press for The Historic Trusts

Full Court Press for The Historic Trusts By Anna Von Reitz The assets of the world are largely owned by Historic Trusts--- vast holdings of actual assets including gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, gems, art, land, government bonds, corporate stock and much, much more. There are several different kinds of Historic Trusts. Most of them are private family trusts and in the Western World, many of them are Spanish, resulting from the days of the Conquistadors and the New World Gold. In the Far East, you also find Spanish gold that migrated there, especially in the Philippines, and you find traditional Chinese family gold hordes, too. Other Historic Trusts are family trusts resulting from mining or industrial operations and investments, still others are Treaty Trusts that accrue to specific nations as "national trusts" or for specific purposes such as war reparations or infrastructure investments. Still others result from court settlements and land trust investments. Some of the largest trusts are old Commonwealth Trusts created in the 1600's by wealthy trading companies; the oldest of these Historic Trusts dates to 435 A.D. And there are, of course, a dizzying array of Church Trusts, which are "historic" but which are not traditionally included as Historic Trusts in the sense discussed here. These Historic and Church Trusts are the true repositories of wealth and actual assets in the world, but via an insidious process akin to the identity theft that Americans have suffered, many of these Historic Trusts have been effectively stolen by banks entrusted with their safe-keeping. A variety of specious methods have been used by the guilty commercial banks to attach assets which they very well know are not abandoned and not from questionable sources--two of their favorite excuses for confiscating and holding private property for bank profits are "claims of abandonment" and claims of money laundering or criminal provenance. You are wealthy and you come from California? You MUST be a pot grower.... You are Hispanic and wealthy? You MUST be involved somehow in South American drug trafficking.... You are wealthy and live in Chicago and you are an Italian Jew? You MUST be involved in mafia activities, money laundering, and racketeering.... You made a deposit of two hundred million dollars worth of gold and silver and you come from a Eastern European country? You MUST be in the Russian or former Eastern Block "Mafia".....and so on. All the bank has to do is make the specious, self-interested claim, and their collusion partners in the corporate government (who also stand to benefit from the confiscation of private assets) jump on the bandwagon. You are from the Philippines and you make a large deposit in an American bank and simply leave it there on deposit for thirty years? Well, you can't possibly be the same person thirty years later when you walk back through their door and innocently ask to withdraw a little of your money on deposit---- can you? It's "suspicious" that you haven't been back in all those years..... But if you have a couple trillion dollars in assets, more than you could ever use or need as a housewife in the Philippines, and this is what you consider a rather minor account----- why wouldn't you trust an American bank to keep your deposit? Perhaps the only answer to that is that other banks are historically even worse and less trustworthy. In 1928 the Nationalist Chinese government made a very large gold deposit with the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The New York Fed was supposed to make regular interest payments, but the war didn't go well for the Nationalist Chinese and the New York Fed just conveniently "forgot" about its obligations for 83 years and when the Chinese government of today asked about all the interest owed on that deposit, the New York Fed refused to pay anything at all and refused to return the gold to the Chinese. That led to Neil Keenan filing suit against the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 2011 in behalf of the Chinese to recover their assets. Now, the gold belonged to the Chinese people. Everyone knows that. The Nationalist Chinese Government did not survive to reclaim the assets they left with the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 1928. So the NY Fed used the obvious specious self-interested excuse that the depositors were dead and the assets "abandoned" and tried to cheat the Chinese people out of their assets. Any honest man hearing all this about how the banks have cheated and defrauded depositors---- very large depositors especially --- should feel both offended and distrustful of such banks, but it gets even worse. When the United States of America, Inc. went bankrupt in 1933, FDR used the occasion to outright steal from average Americans and confiscated privately held gold throughout the country. This gold was held as "surety" for the bankruptcy proceedings and after the bankruptcy settled in 1999, it was released. The Secondary Creditors, the World Bank and IBRD pretended not to know who the gold belonged to, that it was "abandoned", and so, they came in and made away with $387 billion in gold that belonged to our grandparents and parents and to us via the convenient old "claim on abandonment" schtick. Of course, they knew who the gold actually belonged to, and just as conveniently, nobody notified any of us, did they? There was no offer to return the gold to the actual unincorporated government of the American states and people, the actual owners--- some of whom, like my Mother, were still living at the time. These vicious criminals have done things like this to millions of innocent people and to whole nations, and we have sat here and funded their wars and protected their rumps and chewed our cuds and unwittingly allowed them to make false claims against us, our labor, our names, our copyrights, our land, and everything else in sight. "You want to claim that you own my time on Earth and the value of my labor and I have to give you half of everything I earn......oh, okay, I guess you're the government and I have to pay my share....." "You want to claim that you own my house and make me pay for living in it? .... Well, I guess it must be okay, you're the government. I trust my government....." When does all this end, America? When do you wake up and sound the alarm bells? You are brave, honest and generous people--- how can you tolerate dishonest banks and corrupt politicians ruining your lives? Stealing you blind? Even making you live in fear in your own country? Right now, the same rotten politicians in Congress are attempting to claim that your ESTATE is "abandoned" and their Secondary Creditors, international banks, are attempting to seize your assets---- your copyrights, your labor, your land, your homes, your bodies, even your souls. Yes, they create bonds off your Baptismal Certificates, too. Anything that is a "certificate" is a receipt in a commercial transaction of some kind. Go back to the Church where you were baptized and ask to see the record of it. They will show you a "registry"----a big book where the details are noted, but the actual paperwork was sent away in every case. You or your parents received a "baptismal certificate" for your soul, just like you got a "birth certificate" for your body. Even your soul was sold, "monetized", and traded upon by these unholy verminous unspeakable cads. What does it take before you get mad enough to do something about all this, America? When do you start button-holing unfaithful or ignorant clergymen? When do you start walking into "legislative" offices and confronting those responsible for this? Most of the money in the Historic Trusts---quadrillions of dollars of actual assets--- have been set aside by the owners for humanitarian aid. Homes, schools, hospitals, hospices, libraries, public gardens, transportation systems, trails and trains, and new bridges and medical and patient care services, help for veterans, mental health and addiction services, dental and veterinary clinics and programs, art, music, and science back in public schools, new technology---- you name it. The Historic Trusts are ready and able to provide a better world and they will do it voluntarily for everyone. There's just one little problem. The crooked, rotten, self-interested, greedy banks and the equally crooked, rotten, self-interested, greedy politicians, who think they have some god-given right to ride on your backs and tell lies about you from here to next New Year, a right to steal your bank deposits and retirement pensions, a right to monetize your very souls, and a right to tell you when to sit down and when to get up, too. Get up off your duffs, America. One little old granny in Big Lake, Alaska, can't cut it alone. You've been defrauded out of trillions of dollars and if you don't grab hold and stand up for yourselves and object to this corruption like a pack of wolves on the hunt, your children will pay the price of this scandalous criminality for many, many generations to come. We've formed a Historic Trust Association to gather together all of the Trustees and Beneficiaries who have been defrauded by these dishonest bankers. When enough people reclaim their proper political status and reclaim their ESTATES and stand behind the cause of the Historic Trusts, you will start to see an end to the Bad Old Days we've been living through. So what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? ---------------------------- See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.