Friday, March 11, 2016

Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting

Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting

Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated)

White House confrontation over FBI file leads to Scalia killing

Notice the Illuminati six hand signal

March 1, 2016

[Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.

We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.

What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff ]
Scalia – What really happened?

Justice Antonin Scalia was surprised when he was ordered to the White House. This was not a man you gave orders to, especially not Obama. It was Justice Antonin Scalia who vacated the long sacrosanct immunity from civil lawsuits, opening the door for a weakened presidency.

Sources say that Scalia was the single actor behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  Obama was aware of this and had ordered the FBI to set out traps for Scalia. We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual satanic child abuse that permeates Washington.

 60 MINUTES - Satan's Children

When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila envelope he was carrying had printouts from a computer seized by FBI Special Agent Jeff Ross of the Salt Lake City, Utah field office, or so informants tell us.


Scalia left the White House carrying “slam dunk proof” that would lead to the arrest, conviction and, of course, impeachment of a seated Supreme Court Justice, files that contained names of victims and details on sex acts, preferred “types” along with dates and places. All of this was on the seized computer and these files went “up hill” from the FBI to the Department of Justice and directly over to the White House.
There, political advisors leapt on them, seeing a chance to leverage a justice and, in this case, and this is very important, bring down Scalia in such a way that conservatives would be forced to accept virtually any Obama nomination.
When Scalia arrived in Houston and chartered a plane after ditching his US Marshall protection detail, Scalia and his companion, C. Allen Foster. Foster heads the Order of Hubertus and is co-owner with John Poindexter of the Cibolo Creek Ranch, 25,000 plus acres free for anyone to use, according to John Poindexter, “free of charge,” so long as they are a supreme court justice, “A list” celebrity like Mick Jagger or billionaires, others need not apply.

St. Hubertus ritual mask taken from Cibolo Creek ranch (credit:

The crux of the story is how they got Scalia. According to sources, Scalia had been providing protection for an international pedophile ring and was murdered by “friends” who he had informed of the nature of his visit with Obama and the doom it signaled for those around Scalia, prosecution, ruin and Citizens United reversed.

A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

The mechanism Scalia used to provide this protection was the Federalist Society which chooses the judges throughout the US judiciary system so should any unfortunate pedophile find himself in court, the judge was under Scalia’s control, thus making a successful prosecution difficult to achieve.

The Federalist Society grooms and recruits candidates to become judges at a young age – college age kids; they specifically seek out suitable candidates who have certain moral ambiguities that can be exploited.

Thus a stranglehold is placed on the judicial system of the United States by a group which serves the interests of big business – corrupt corporations, big pharma, the oil and coal barons; this is how their interests are, time and again, placed ahead of those of we, the people with the result that our environment and our bodies are polluted by the products of these corporations, be it poisons like aspartame and GMO crops in our food, toxins in our ground water (see Flint, MI) or just plain old exploitation of poor people such as the coal miners of West Virginia and Kentucky.

Scalia met with the Order of Saint Hubertus, the patron saint of million dollar dude ranch hunting. As of yet, no one has identified who was there, it seems that Supreme Court justices are found all the time with pillows over their faces and nobody asks a thing, but this was Texas and they make their own rules down there.
We remember former FBI director and founder, J Edgar Hoover, the man who said ritual satanic child abuse was a conspiracy theory. He is also the man who said the mafia didn’t exist.
Scalia’s talk in Texas was said to have gone like this: “They have us.  We are all going down unless we can give them what they want and they are holding all the cards, they have everything.” There was no negotiation with the White House.  Instead Scalia got, we are told and multiple sources confirm, a pillow over the face and a heroic funeral, one that Obama refused to attend. Now we know why.

For a seated president to not attend the funeral of a pedophile is unthinkable.
The computer itself belonged to a Stirling David Allen, arrested and charged with child rape and sodomy by the FBI after an investigation that began with a meeting in Rome, Italy. The FBI had known about Allen for some time, had wanted to arrest him since 2014 but had been blocked, they just didn’t know why or who was behind it, not until Justice Scalia died. Within 9 days, Allen was jailed, and the evidence he held began to yield gold. Allen is being held on these charges with bail set at $250,000.

We were shown an email from Allen where he tells of his January 15, 2016 meeting with Agent Ross at which time his computers were seized by the FBI. What we are told was on Allen’s computer and what Allen told agents is astounding. Allen confessed, we are told, not only to his own sex crimes but to being recruited by a powerful international organization that provided him broad protection from prosecution.

From Ian Greenhalgh:
It is very sick, but if you really want to watch and hear the ramblings of a mad man just watch this video where Sterling D. Allan says he is GOD in the flesh, admits to being a paedophile, admits he has committed sexual abuse with an underage child, and says that he is waiting to be arrested. Mr. Allan claims he chose this life before coming to Earth to be a “scapegoat” which of course is all foretold in his insane “alphabetics.”
 Judgment -- Sterling Sunday School -- 
Graduate Studies for the Remnant

We are told that Allen became increasingly unstable as his own feelings of guilt and his own public confessions of child sex crimes were inadequate to bring about his own arrest, an arrest he openly asked for time and time again.

Allen who, using his computer skills, helped fellow pedophiles scour the internet for vulnerable children.

High level sources confirm that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered, that in itself is neither an original claim nor beyond the realm of likelihood based on circumstances allegedly tied to his death. By that, we are speaking of the “pillow over the head” and allegations of a “cover-up autopsy” well outside legal requirements for someone of Scalia’s position.

Sources in the White House confirm that immediately prior to his flight to Texas, ostensibly for a hunting trip with 35 “close friends,” many of whom are members of the highly secret Order of Saint Hubertus. As is being reported, initially in the Washington Post with broader allegations made on the InfoWars website, tying the Hubertus Order to Bohemian Grove antics, long subject to speculation in the alternative media.

We became aware of the case in August 2015 when we were shown correspondence between Allen and representatives of the Keshe Foundation. Allen ran several popular websites on alternative energy and was a popular speaker, often appearing on the Coast to Coast radio show with Detroit native, George Noory.

Increasingly it became obvious that Allen had been using these venues for sexual trafficking of children. It wasn’t hard to figure out. He did it openly, spoke of it constantly (as seen in the YouTube above) and lived as though he were above the law. Over the next few months, particularly when confronted by Iranian born physicist MT Keshe who ordered Allen and those around him banned from all Keshe forums, Allen openly flaunted his criminal activities.

What made this particularly insidious is that it was obvious not only that Allen was not acting alone but that he had broad support not only in his home state of Utah, where he was able to avoid prosecution, but in Belgium as well. There, Allen and associates Hans Bracquene, Dirk Laureyssens and Ad Van den Elshout moved against the Keshe group, securing against Keshe’s wishes technologies with defense related applications and passing them on to MI 5 in Britain.

When Keshe moved against this group and tried to secure his patents, he found himself being chased down the highway, shots fired, his car run off the road. Police arrested and soon “misplaced” the culprits and, soon thereafter, representatives of Belgium’s “royals” told Keshe to leave Belgium or be buried there.

On the European end of the FBI investigation, the trail, all of which is easily followed by the “breadcrumbs” Stirling David Allen has left, leads to the highest and most powerful of the scientific communities where blackmail, kidnapping and torture, threats against families and in particular, threats against children, have placed members of secret societies in positions of power at universities, think tanks, police and counter-terrorism agencies and even the European Space Agency.

More to come…


Progressivism, Liberal Lies, and the End of Our Constitutional Republic

Progressivism,  Liberal  Lies,  and  the  End  of  Our  Constitutional  Republic

Written by Ronald Carlson March 10 2016

Today, if given a competent legal analysis, no less than 8 out of 10 federal laws would be found to be consistent with the principles established by the Constitution. This ever-growing volume of unconstitutional statutes is the success that compels liberals to use every possible means to seat progressive judges and fight to prevent the confirmation of conservative judges.

The rejection of Robert Bork and the seating of Ruth Bader Ginsberg provide examples and confirmation. If further confirmation is needed, we need look no further than the radical people Obama has nominated to fill federal court and the U.S. Supreme Court vacancies.

Progressives have methodically taken over the education system, which is reflected in the comment of a local attorney who confessed that he never studied the Constitution or even read it while he was in law school.

There is a legal principle that says; you cannot do indirectly what you cannot do directly.  The fact is the wanton violation of this principle is a rather succinct summation of progressive reasoning.  The end always justifies the means in the mind of a progressive!

In my mind thieves, rapists, ax murders and progressives all can appropriately be included in the same grouping. Because laws have been established for addressing the deeds of the first three lawless groups, I am going to focus my attention here on the last group, the progressives. The terms “progressive,” liberal” and environmentalist may be used without distinction in this document.

Years ago we had a friend who had read most of the self-empowerment books that had been written.  He and his wife were hospitable people, had a very nice home. When you entered it there were rules that anyone occupying their home was expected to follow.  The rules became applicable upon entry when you were expected to remove your shoes.  The rules of the house were neither unclear nor unreasonable, but they were the rules and if you did not agree with them you did not have to stay.

Similarly, the founders of this nation established the rules under which one could be a citizen or otherwise stay in the United States. These rules were launched from the Declaration of Independence and particularly the proposition that self-evident truths exist and reveal the fact that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This provided the foundation upon which the Constitution of the United States was established.

All laws are then expected to flow from the principles of that Constitution. If legislation is introduced in congress that is not consistent with the Constitution, there are two choices – abandon the legislation, or amend the Constitution to make the proposed legislation meet the test of constitutionality before the law is enacted.

Amending the Constitution, by design, is a cumbersome and difficult process. Consequently progressives, who have always been represented a minority opinion within the nation, have devised ways of simply ignoring the provisions of the Constitution and particularly the foundation provided by the Declaration of Independence.  These strategies have been successful and through their methodical efforts over the decades, progressives have been able to enact volumes of unconstitutional legislation.

Edmund Burke (1729 -1797) was a defender of constitutional statesmanship.  He opined that “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  While Burke’s quote is frequently quoted, it is legitimate to ask if it is, in fact, a true statement.  The answer lies in how one defines “good men” and “do nothing”. For example, the evil of abortion has been legal in the United States for nearly 40 years and, after the government sanctioned murder of millions, the practice continues today in spite of massive efforts to stop it.

The reason why the efforts of good men have been unsuccessful may be tied up in the historic tension that exists between the concepts of “natural rights” as defined in the Declaration of Independence, and a “social contract” which completely rejects and ignores the foundation of the Declaration.  It allows an absolute standard to morph into a pragmatic standard.  It is within this distinction that one will find progressivism firmly rooted in a philosophy of pragmatism.

Pragmatism unfortunately affects many “good men.” Anything viewed by liberals is never in the context of something being right or wrong, good or evil – it is, in any given case, what is most expedient.  The philosophy of liberals and progressives can only exist in an environment where good or evil, right and wrong are relative concepts.  Consequently the implicit question that arises as the foundation of constitutional controversy is:  does absolute truth exist?

liberals open mindThe greatest scientific minds that ever existed, to whom most of the foundations of science and mathematics may be attributed, had a common view of truth and scientific discovery. They understood the universe to have been created by an infinite Creator Who continues to superintend all aspects of His creation.  They recognized the abject failure of a mechanistic (evolutionary) view of the cosmos.  In their view, understanding science was simply the privilege of being able to “think God’s thoughts after Him”.   These great thinkers include Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, and Blaise Pascal.  (Others are listed in the footnotes.)

If the evidence leads to a revelation of Truth, mankind can only ignore this revelation at his peril. Unfortunately, the liberal mind and the ideas of progressivism can only be sustained in an environment of lies.  It is not coincidental that the “environmental movement” is built upon deception, fraud, lies and misrepresentations of scientific knowledge and principles.  The religion of environmentalism exists in stark contrast to an understanding that we live in a world that was created by, and blessed by, an infinite and all wise Creator Who gave mankind the authority to manage and use the resources He provides.   The success or failure in the use of the authority granted is completely dependent upon man recognizing and worshiping his Creator and Sustainer. Consequently, progressive thought and liberal ideas are guaranteed to fail.

History reveals the environmental consequences associated with rejection of The Truth. It started with a universal flood that wiped out most of the life that existed on the earth some ten millennia ago.  As population grew and mankind again failed to honor and obey God, many groups of people were destroyed, and others were taken into captivity and slavery.

Disease, pestilence and destruction are always the consequences of not recognizing the God revealed in the Bible.  Since man will always worship something, a rejection of God is always coincidental with idol worship.  Environmentalism is, at its roots, pantheism. 

The first commandment God gave Moses was: You shall have no other gods before Me. The consequences of idol worship are well documented.

The Old Testament has many examples of what can be expected when the leaders of nations bow down to other gods.  One of these gods encountered by the nation of Israel was the Goddess of fertility, Asherah. The pagans of that age erected poles in her honor.

It may seem ironic that the progressives of today are enacting environmental laws to protect and honor their god.  The Asherah pole of Bible times may well have a direct corollary in a landscape covered by monuments to the gods being worshiped today.

What better symbol of reverence could there be for the god of the progressives than a landscape dominated by wind turbines?  (and cell and haarp towers, and surveillance cameras on poles at every intersection?) 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


I took down my Rebel flag (which you can't buy on e-bay any more) and peeled the NRA sticker off the front door.

 I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the wimpy Neighborhood Watch.

 I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on e-bay) and put it in the CENTER of the yard.
 Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7.

 I've NEVER felt safer and I'm saving $69.95 a month that ADT charged me.

 Plus, I bought burkas for my family when we shop or travel. Everyone moves out of way and security can't pat us down. Safe at last - only in USA!