Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Open Letter to General Ham and the Republic …

Open Letter to General Ham and the Republic … From Anonymous 2
Dear General Ham and members of the restored Republic,
Members of Anonymous 2 are comprised of some very smart people, including retired military.  We have excellent contacts, and we perform due diligence on observations and reports to assure accuracy and reliability of our intel sources.
Sir - we are going to be rather blunt in asking you for a response as we do not appear to have a lot of time left before all possibilities to save our nation are exhausted.  Among several concerns there are 2 in particular that we wish to present to you and to the people of the Republic in this message.
First, millions of people are being hurt daily – doused with poisons and toxins - from the chemtrail bombing dropped on our citizens nationwide.  As citizens, if we flew our helicopters or small planes over neighboring homes and dropped wheat flour on them, we would be arrested - if not shot down - but these mass murderers are allowed to do this. How is that??
Our grapevine and intel inform us that the chemtrail bombers are now in the “kill them quick” mode, as the cabal/NWO does not want Americans to have the opportunity to exchange their currencies and thus acquire wealth which would be used in various ways that would stall their objective to bring about the quick demise of this nation.
Here in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex we just enjoyed an extreme rarity - 4 days of beautiful weather – only today (Oct 27th) to once again observe what was a beautiful crystal clear blue sky early this morning change to a sky of solid white silvery  chemtrail ‘clouds’ from trail after trail after trail of chemtrails crisscrossing in the sky overhead.  We saw what appeared to be 747’s, flying lower than normal, dropping their entire load of poisons within a timeframe of approximately 5 to 7 minutes.  More planes continued this mass drop for hours.  Our noses/sinuses began to burn severely.  Our eyes were burning and red.  Many of us began to cough continually and we have not been able to stop.  These poisons affect all of nature – trees, food crops, animals, birds, water and humans.
HAARP is being used as a destructive device.  Massive tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes are being created in this nation that would not ordinarily occur if it was not for the manipulation of HAARP.  Studies are being done and published proving conclusively that HAARP is being used as a weapon against our nation and other nations in this world.
General, we hear that you were sworn in to office, only again to hear of late that you were sworn in (again?).  We are told that the criminal USA corporation is now defunct along with the criminal Federal Reserve.  We are told that the Republic has been restored only to again hear that the Republic will be restored.  There are no observable changes that confirm that these organizations are now defunct and the Republic has, in fact, been restored.  All continues as per usual.
All of us understand that, as the ‘sworn in’ President of the ‘restored Republic,’ that you must be very busy.  However, we want to take this opportunity to bring HAARP and the chemtrails to your immediate attention, alerting you that it is not just we in the Dallas-Ft Worth metroplex that are being bombarded with HAARP and the chemtrails, but you, your friends and your loved ones as well who are being poisoned.  All Americans are having their health and lives adversely affected by these two weapons. 
We know from personal research that ‘global warming,’ ‘weather modification’ and ‘protecting the nation from UFO surveillance’ is total poppycock.  We are also aware that in the 1950’s the criminal ‘gov’ made their ‘laws’ on behalf of the USA military to ‘experiment’ on the American people without their knowledge and approval.  Both the continued HAARP and chemtrails are a declaration of war on the American people.
The Republic and its officers are either the solution to these continuing issues or part of the problem, operating as yet another tentacle of the NWO/cabal. 

As long as these two major situations continue – HAARP and chemtrails – America has no choice but to believe that the ‘restored Republic’ is a HOAX. 

In closing, as Americans and citizens of the restored Republic, we respectfully request you to order the NWO/cabal to immediately cease and desist the HAARP and chemtrails.  Please take all necessary action to assure that your orders in this regard are obeyed  or, as the President of the restored Republic, make a decision to take whatever actions are necessary to put a stop to the HAARP and  chemtrails, including shooting the planes down and/or destroying ALL facilities. 

Your action – or lack thereof – will illustrate whether the restoration of the Republic is a HOAX or for real.  What will your decision be General Ham??  Life for the Republic?  Or to allow the continued efforts that further the death of this nation and its people??

Anonymous 2

Thursday, October 9, 2014


This shows you what they really think............and it surley is not what they are saying!


Every idiot that continues to attempt spreading the "truth" should have taken half of that energy and used it to fight back. You've been warned what was coming yet do absolutely nothing about it... NOTHING.
I tire of actions to affect change when the people think my actions are too radical. Just how radical do you need to be in order to stop this train wreck that's unfolding before your eyes? The sky is falling routine? That what you think? Fine, then this will fly over your formerly warned heads like everything else but what the heck, maybe one of these "Conspiracy" slaps will actually get through to you while the few that really do give a rats ass engage the enemy.
Real men lay it on the line. Like Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty who fought and died. For what you ask? Because they understood that only through SELFLESS acts of love and charity, SELFLESS acts of defending the defenseless can they ever hope for absolution from their maker. They chose the side didn't hesitate to act, led by example and you'll probably have to google the names to know who the hell they are.
The video attached IS your enemy. They ARE your true terrorist enemy, they lie, cheat, steal, rape the children and the land then spit in your face and upon your Mothers grave because you haven't the energy, drive or desire to stop them. At this point it's probably too late for anything but acceptance of your fate. The great culling has begun with intensification guaranteed. Your stupification sufficiently, achieved through the daily dose of NANO particulates of Aluminum, by way of Chemtrailing, assures us that when the Weaponized versions of EBOLA and other nasty uglies is added to your other daily dosing, you won't care or even be aware it's happening. The Air Force aerosol spraying program that you still refuse to stop, or even acknowledge, and the head Muslim's border destruction, designed to assure the spread of these Pandemics and/or chemical agents, through physical contacts, continue the process unabated. I wonder If any remaining senses will allow you to take the lives of your supposed loved ones out of mercy or if you'll be content to watch them writhe in agony during the final throws of their now wasted life? Your inaction assures this destiny is uninterrupted.
But hey, it can wait right? Nothings going require action before this weekends games are over. Nothing is so pressing your schedule needs adjusting. Nothing's is more important than me, me me... Right? I got it, you'll get it, have a nice day.
carl -alfred: House of Swensson

Vladimir Putin on Muslims

Friday, August 15, 2014in on Muslims

Vladimir Putin on Muslims

Subject: FW: FW: Vladimir Putin on Muslims
Date: 08/15/14 07:

No wonder he was selected by Forbes as the most powerful person in the world!!
This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin. I would suggest that not only our leaders but every citizen of USA should pay attention to this advice. How scary is that? It is a sad day when a Communist makes more sense than our LEADERS but here it is !!!!

Vladimir Putin's speech - SHORTEST SPEECH EVER.
On August 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:
In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim's then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law.
Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims.
When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslims Minorities Are Not Russians.
The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.
If you keep this to yourself, you are part of the problem!